How To Celebrate Valentine's Day In Your Classroom

By the time February hits, you and your classroom are fairly settled into your routines after coming back from winter break. 

But what happens in February that has the potential to get you off course? 

Valentine’s Day.

And while I like a party day just as much as the rest of you, with how little time you get in your classroom with your students (especially now with kids out sick frequently), I always found it difficult to “give up a day” in the name of fun. 

At the same time, the students get so crazy with the holiday that I found it was better to capitalize on their energy and interest - if you don’t, it is like swimming upstream. A losing battle.

That is why I worked hard to create Valentine’s Day-themed activities that will keep your class on track while still enjoying the day. I believe in integrating holiday-related themes into serious learning. The students are interested because the lessons are out of their ordinary routine and related to the holiday, which translates into a higher engagement.

Click on the photo to learn more!


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