8 Tips that Make Changing Grade Levels Easier

As this school year comes to a close, you could be experiencing mixed emotions. Are you pleased with how this year went? Are you looking forward to next year?

One big question teachers have at the end of each year is, “What am I teaching next year?” As student enrollment changes, teachers get shifted and changed around – whether they want to or not.

Some teachers enjoy staying in the same grade and classroom year after year, while others prefer to switch once in a while for a change. In some cases, teachers seemed to be assigned a new grade and classroom frequently, which can be very stressful.

Teaching a new grade can feel overwhelming for a teacher, especially if it is a drastic change, such as a teacher who taught kindergarten being transferred to 4th grade.

With a new grade-level assignment can come a lot of anxiety. Will I like teaching this grade level? Will I get along with my new team?

As a teacher who change grade levels multiple times - even between elementary and middle school - I have a few tips to make changing grade levels easier.

See the Transition as a Positive

You may not have asked for a new grade level, but you received one anyway. Don’t waste your time wishing for a different situation or dwelling on leaving your old team. Instead, find things to look forward to in your new grade level! Having a positive outlook is half the battle in any transition.

When I started student teaching, I thought I really wanted to teach kindergarten but was placed with a sixth-grade teacher. I was petrified and tried to change grade levels. In the end, I loved teaching the older students and went on to teach sixth grade for many years.

Keep and open mind and you never know - you may love it!

Prepare to Be Uncomfortable

Even if you are only moving one grade level up or down, things will be different. It doesn’t matter how much or how little planning you do before the school year, there will be adjustments to the new grade level. Something will come your way that you didn’t mentally prepare for, and that is okay. With this change comes some feelings of nervousness and awkwardness. This is totally expected!

Remember, it’s okay to feel all the feelings, but you felt that way when you first started your last grade. Everyone is a beginner at some point, and over time you will feel like a pro in your new grade, too.

Communicate with Colleagues

If you know who is on your new grade-level team, communicate with them! If possible, meet up with them both to socialize and go over curriculum mapping and lesson planning. Ask them questions about the age group and the particular challenges that come with it. Meeting your new teammates and getting the lowdown from teachers who have taught the grade before will give you some practical insights on how to prepare for your new class.

Think Through Your Classroom Setup

Think through the little things, like where you new students’ arms can reach and where their eyes go. If you’ve worked with fifth grade and are moved to kindergarten, you will clearly need to shift your setup. If you worked with younger students and are moving to a higher grade, you will need to think about how to connect with those kids and allow for more space for their bigger bodies.

Learn Your New Standards

As you know, educational standards change by grade level. Before you even start lesson planning, make sure you review the standards of your new grade level.

In addition, review the standards for the grades below and above you. You need to understand where students are expected to be coming into your grade and going out.

This helps you adjust mentally for here your students are when they enter your room. (Even if you stay in the same grade, it can be difficult to remember where students are at the beginning of the year.)

Learn Your New Schedule

With a new grade level comes a new schedule. Familiarize yourself with your new schedule. Granted, you may not know your specific schedule until closer to the beginning of the year, but consider looking at the yearly calendar. What types of testing will your grade level have? Are there specific field trips they take? Are there any other annual events that you will need to work around?

Planning ahead can help you to chunk your curriculum and set a pacing guide for the year.

Learn Developmental Differences

Your new grade level will have a whole new set of challenges, both academically and developmentally. Take the time you need to consider what the differences will be in your new students so you can better prepare yourself and your lessons. If you usually spend 15 minutes cutting something out with first graders, know that the same item should take a fourth-grade class less time to complete.

Join a FB Group for Support

Sometimes it helps to have a place to go for advice. There are many grade=level specific groups on Facebook. However, I found that I preferred groups with different grade levels. With multiple grades, you get advice from people who know both where your students were and where they need to be.

If you would like a safe place to go for connection and support, come join us in the Upper Elementary Teacher’s Lounge! I would love to see you there.


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