Educational Articles For Educators

Snow Day Classroom Activities for Upper Elementary Students
Winter can be so hard to keep those routines - and sometimes you just can’t. When weather has you in and out of the classroom, sometimes it is better to work on lessons that can be taught in a day instead of trying to continue your unit. Focus on reviewing or practicing skills vs. learning new content. I've rounded up some really fun ideas for an easy-prep snow day!

Why You Should Use Book Reports
Students tend to feel a certain way about book reports. Either they really enjoy them - or they really don’t enjoy them. However, research shows that students who take the time to write about what they read become better readers.

Keeping Students Focused As Testing Season Looms
Testing season is coming quickly. How do we keep our students focused as we inch closer and closer to testing and the end of the school year?

BEST Standards Posters & Checklists Teacher Resources
Over the next school year, Florida’s ELA and Math standards will be replaced with B.E.S.T. To help teachers prepare for the BEST standards, I am updating all of my Posters and Checklists to the new standards.