Valentine-Themed Lesson Ideas
Can you believe it's almost February?!
We are already one month into 2024. 🤯
To me, February was always the month that felt the most like winter in the classroom. Thanksgiving and Christmas are long past, and the weather is bleh.
There is one shiny day in the middle of all the dreariness of the month - and that day is Valentine’s Day!
While it could destroy your resolution to eat healthily, Valentine’s Day can be a fun day of treats and presents and love.
Students in your classroom enjoy giving and receiving valentines and delicious candies. (Really, who doesn’t?)
Instead of unsuccessfully trying to ignore the day, use students’ excitement to increase learning with some fun Valentine’s Day-themed lessons in your classroom.
Language Arts
There are a lot of fun picture books to choose from when celebrating Valentine’s Day. Just head to your school library to find some classics.
But if you are looking for some nonfiction texts, I suggest these Valentine’s Day paired passages.
Valentine's Day Paired Passages
Who doesn’t like chocolate and candy? Use these high-interest paired texts to engage students in writing evidence-based essays.
There are two sets of paired texts included:
How Chocolate is Made and The History of Chocolate
Conversation Hearts: A Sweet Accident and Valentine’s Day Cards
Each passage is included on two reading levels - approximately grades 4 and 5, although the easier passage could be used for high third-grade readers. Reading comprehension tests are also included.
These paired passages are a great way to combine ELA and Social Studies and can be used in your traditional or online classroom.
Art & Writing
There are so many fun things you can make for Valentine’s Day! I always had students create their own mailboxes. My favorite craft was to decorate paper bags with hearts to create a Valentine animal.
Students can also make a card for the person of their choice. I loved making cards in class, as it gave students a chance to practice both art and writing in a relaxed environment.
Your students will love the opportunity to be as creative as they want!
While teachers don’t typically think “science” when they plan for Valentine’s Day, I loved doing this Candy Heart Science Experiment in my class.
I think that science experiments just appeal to most students, especially those who don’t get super into the giving and getting of Valentine’s Day.
This science experiment needs only a few items: conversation hearts or sweet tarts, vinegar, and baking soda! Your students will really enjoy this Candy Heart Science Experiment.
Use your math block to refresh your students’ memory on fractions and probability with this candy heart activity!
Included in this candy heart math activity are three different fraction activities AND a probability activity.
What About My Online Classroom?
Are you finding it tricky to incorporate holidays into your online classroom? I get it!
As the mom of an online student, I see how difficult it is to make holidays special when your students don’t have decorations or snacks, or games to play. But if there is one thing I know about teachers, it is that you are creative and innovative.
Ask other teachers who are teaching online how they are preparing for the holidays.
If you need Valentines resources for Google Classroom, I included Slides versions of my holiday activities.
How do you celebrate Valentine’s Day in your classroom? I’d love to hear!