Educational Articles For Educators

6 Activities That Help Students Become Better Readers

Valentine-Themed Lesson Ideas
Instead of trying to ignore the day, use students’ excitement to increase learning with fun Valentine’s Day-themed lessons in your classroom.

Engage Your Upper Elementary Students with Thanksgiving-Themed Lessons - and Have a Work-Free Break
Get ready for a work-free Thanksgiving break with engaging thematic lessons and activities. Discover the power of novelty in your classroom and explore Thanksgiving-themed resources for Language Arts, Math, and Science. Foster student curiosity and keep learning fun with these creative resources

3 Reasons to Use Nonfiction Texts When Teaching Reading
Discover the critical role of nonfiction texts in your classroom. Explore how they expand knowledge, save time, and deepen comprehension.

4th Grade Math BEST Standards
What can fourth grade teachers expect from the new Florida BEST Standards for math? How do they compare to the MAFS standards?

4th Grade ELA BEST Standards
What can fourth grade teachers expect from the new Florida BEST Standards for language arts? How do they compare to the LAFS standards?