Educational Articles For Educators
Improve Students' Vocabulary with Greek and Latin Roots
Did you know explicit Greek and Latin morphological instruction is the most effective way to improve students’ English vocabulary?
Teaching With Paired Passages
Teaching with paired texts or passages can be daunting at first, but it really isn’t as hard as it seems - it just takes time.
Ideas for a Snow Day in the Classroom
The weeks before and after a long holiday break can be really difficult to successfully navigate. But, I've rounded up some really fun ideas for an easy-prep snow day!
Setting Boundaries To Save Your Sanity
I see teachers beginning to set healthy boundaries as they redefine their values. I have some suggestions that may help you.
5 Tips For Teaching Geography
When I started teaching geography, I had to figure out what worked for students and what didn’t. There is no magic formula that will work for every student.
6th Grade Math BEST Standards
What can sixth grade teachers expect from the new Florida BEST Standards for math? How do they compare to the MAFS standards?